Pokémon Go is my favorite game. I play it every day. As a UX designer i find where there are many improvements thats can be made to make gameplay faster and more intuitive
Obtaining Remote Raid Passes in a Remote Raid
One of the first things that got me into this project is the interaction for when a user enters a Remote and doesn’t have enough Passes. Currently the process to get them is so many steps and takes the user out of the experience. I felt i had to try to design a solution event if it doesn’t make it to the game, i just wanted a good design challenge.
The current process which is in the game….its long
1. User clicks on Remote Raid and clicks on the “Battle”
2. Then finds out they don’t have enough Passes, and clicks
3. Backs out of Raid
4. Then clicks the Poké Ball menu button
6. ….Clicks on Store
7. Scrolls down to the Remote Raid Passes
7. Clicks on a pack to get
8. User then clicks the “Exchange” button
9. After the exchange it takes them back to Store page
10. Closes Store
11. Back to the main page, then user clicks back to the Raid
12. Clicks “View”
13. Then at this point the user can finally battle 🥳
New and improved experience
1. User clicks on Remote Raid and clicks on the “Battle” Button
2. Finds out they don’t have passes. from the screen they can get more
3. User finds a pack and gets it clicks the “Exchange”
4. Gets back to modal and clicks “battle”
5. Gets back to Raid screen where they can join
Mass healing you pokémon
Currently if you want to heal you pokémon with items you have to click on each pokémon to heal. When you have 20+ Pokémon to heal its a lot of clicks and takes time.
In my update I added an “All” button to the lower left of the screen that shows which Pokémon need to be healed. Upon clicking the button it will show a pop up confirming to use multiple items all at once. As per the example something that would have taken 6 clicks its down to 1 single click.
quick glance a pokémon
In the game when you are selecting a Pokémon for trading or battle when you’re in the listed screen of Pokémon you can click to view the detail screen. Making it so you’d have to either name you Pokémon with some identifying label or remember which one you want to use. This can get of the way and make the gameplay clunky during those experiences
With this the user simply force touches the pokémon to pop it out with the detail card. Upon releasing the press the card disappears. Having this interaction would be great when it comes to trades or knowing which to send in battle when selecting a Pokémon team.
I posted it on reddit and got a lot of great feedback
In less then 24h i received over 3.3k upvotes on Reddits larges Pokémon Go community. Got a bunch of great positive feedback and the post was awarded 12 times.
2 Months after posting the game implemented this
I got some PMs on reddit that they “implemented my idea.” I checked it out and on the Reddit post showing the new feature commented on it. my comment need up receiving the most comments of any comments on that post and the most engagement and even an award.
Lucky Egg indicator in the Raid Lobby
When the user is currently in the Raid Lobby there is not way to know if you have an egg on or not. There has been many times where I’d forget i have one on and turn on an extra Lucky Egg. Its annoying because there might not be other Raids after and much use for so much time left on a Lucky Egg.
The screen on the left is the current screen. The one on the right is with the Lucky Egg indicator. As a user I’d love to have this enhancment. It can show you how much time is left on an egg and if you should turn on another one or if you don’t have one on it wont show so the user clearly knows whats going on with their items.